
一起听新闻、学英语-CBC News-Drunk Driving Penalty

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It’s intended to like penalties for drinking and driving in BC the toughest in the country. The liberal government introduced legislation today that they will impose heavy penalties on driver who’s failed a roadside breath test, even if they’re never charged with impaired driving. Hanna Roberson has the details.

“My speedy, terrible, terrible memories, thank you.”

For changes to BC’s impaired driving law has helped Middelaer’s family channel their pain of loosing a four year old daughter Alxea to elegy drunk driver two years ago in delta. Increase penalty’s been legislated in Alexa’s names.

“And I feel that my daughter has been honored in a way I would’ve never, ever imagined.”

“We believe that we need penalties that are clear, swift and severe.”

If you fail a breathalyzer of below 0.08 or higher you could be criminal charge with impaired driving as always. But even if you don’t get charged under the new laws you will be hit an immediately 90 day driving ban and have your vehicle impounded for 30 days. And then there’re other financial penalties. A $500 fine, $700 bill for towing fees the impounded vehicle. $250 to get the driver license back. $880 for a mandatory responsible driver program and ignition interlock device that will test driver’s alcohol level for 1 year for $1420, at total of $3750 for even one failed breathalyzer with no criminal charge. Drivers who get caught in the warning range bellowing between 0.05 and 0.08 will get an immediate 3 day driving ban and fines up to $600 for a first offence, those penalty go up for every warning you get.

Doc Roy Purssell hopes the change will mean he has to tell fewer families that their loved one has died because of drunk driver.

“I can tell you that knowing that your news are gonna flex that kind of pain on them, the hardest thing we do.”

Legislation was introduced today, but the charges are expected to be in place by fall.


一起听新闻、学英语-CBC News-It's Raining Pink

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Vancouver’s cherry blossoms season is now passed its peak and that means petal are falling off the city’s more than 36,000 cherry trees. Bu the scenario is no less stunning, as petals now lay on the side walks. Bob Nixon with that story.

April in Vancouver where the streets are paved in pink. A joyest time for Cecelia Tiong, she’s been travelling through the city for weeks, recording the city’s gorgeous eruptions from city’s 35,000 cherry trees.

“This looks so romantic, so give you different, feeling. I think that take a feeling here.”

The bloom has been breezed and petal’s drift to the breeze transforming the earth below. Julie Smith loves this time.

“They were dripping, like they were pouring over one to another. Like our tree a pink, we look out all our windows and now we can see is pink, green and blue, and it’s like spring is here finally this year and bare feet. That’s right, we need bare feet. Don’t go too close.”

The side walks like bare, some where beneath are corolla carpet. Well sure they look great on the tree but some people complain when cherry blossom fall down. They get messy and slippery and they become a pain that clean it up, well that depends on your point of view. Mit, Oat and Tu, two Julia Smiths’ kids, look what they can do with the petals.

“My kids actually have been jumping up and dancing when it’s snowing, its snowing.”

Yep, if it is something you see all right, something to playing. For Tiong something to record and add to her Vancouver album.

“And the spring you can see the cherry blossom. And the summer you can see the yard grows all kinds of fruit and vegetables, and autumn you can see the maple leaves go down, and winter can go snowing, go skating.”

Unfortunately, the snow is at least half of year’s away.


一起听新闻、学英语-CBC NEWS-Hydro Dam Impact

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So as been told by the government as a source of clean energy, but some critics and environment groups aren’t so sure that’s true. Our environment reporter Lisa Johnson has that story.

There’s no doubt, there will be an environment cost from flatting this valley. It’ll destroy farmland and displace wild life. The question is, is it worth it? The government argued there is an environmental payoff in the form of clean power, but big dams can also come with major greenhouse gas emissions.

“We know for some of the flat dams in Brazil, a dam can be as bad as coal fire pipelines.”

That’s in the tropics, but even here in BC, there’s energy use in constructing the dam and much large problem. The plant growing here are absorbing carbon now, but when this land get flatted, they’ll die and release potent greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

“So are we looking at the projects, there’s really a climate benefits or not.” BC hydro’s own report on Site C, says close to 1 million tons of CO2 could be released by the flatted lands and it’ll take 35 to 40 years for emissions to return to normal. The report still concludes power from Site C would have lower emission per kilowatt than coal or diesel power, on par with solar or wind bines. That suggest the dam could help the environment, even replacement the dirty power here or elsewhere. But those post say that’s not guaranteed.

“So we have nothing to ensure that power, that low carbon energy will be used to off set coal. For all we know it’s going to use the power, air conditioners in California.” So that’s British Columbia’s way the environmental cost of this project. They also have to ask, who benefits.


一起听新闻、学英语-CBC News-Crossing Border Shopping

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The loony finally few pass parity today for the first time since 2008, it closed nudge about the US green back and the strong Canadian dollar has been nudging some of you to have sales not just for big ticket items, but redden butter too. IAN HANOMANSING is at border crossing near surrey BC. IAN.

Oh, Peter, of all the major city in Canada, none is closer to United States than Vancouver, infect the area of metro Vancouver, technically stands all the way to the border. When it comes to cross boarder shopping here you don’t need to plan a big trip. Lots of people from the Vancouver area, like Gill Keller, popped down here a few time a week for every day goods, like groceries.

“For my husband and I can be down to BLAIN, you know do some shopping and go back home, usually within an hour.”

Prices of course are the big draw and the top of her shopping list, organic eggs and chicken at half of the Canadian price. And the value of dollar. And Keller says its’ an irresistible mix.

“I’m stay home Mum, so perhaps have to stay at home and not go back to work right way. It’s just we have to make some choices. So this makes us affordable and serve our kids good food.”

Parity and possibility are only part of the story. Keller have one of these, it’s an access card. And so rather than being stuck at the line up when sometimes can take hours. She simply goes through the access lane, swipe her card and she’s through. when access first came out was pitched business travelers, but growing number of people in Vancouver are happily paying the 50 dollars for 5 years. Use it like a toll highway to avoid the lineups.

“The Canadian dollar’s been at Par right now. Everybody wants go through and it’s just a nightmare!”

The manager this supermarket didn’t want to appear on camera, but says he starts his stores to cater the surge Canadian demand. 80% of his daily sales for example are to Canadians. Like Bob Simons who are enthusiastic about his access card, even though their initial application was rejected by the US government without explanation.

“So do you have your secret in your past, you want review it now?”

“Yes, I have to go back and think a little bit. I don’t think was that bad.”

No one seems be tracking how many of the Cards are being issued for the people to drive across the boarder and shop. But we do know, they’re especially popular here of all the access cards in Canada, almost half have been issued in Vancouver.



        地点:Save on Food

        地点:LONDON DRUG


妈妈,你也会变老吗?- UP

有了Dave之后我就没有去过电影院,在家也很少看电影。前一阵子看了The Moon,不太明白Vampire题材故事怎么一下子会这么红,觉得与西方人就是有文化差异。

长周末,老公down了今年奥斯卡最佳动画片UP, 看看介绍应该老少咸宜,于是同宝宝和宝宝爸一同观看。故事从少年Fredrickson遇到喜欢探险的女孩Ellie开始,Ellie从一本书上发现了一个叫Paradise Fall的美丽的地方,他们两个相约要一起去那里。然后他们长大了,结婚了,怀上了孩子又失去了孩子,他们存旅费要去Paradise Fall, 可是一会儿车胎坏了,一会儿房子又破了,等到有一天Fredrickson存够了钱,买了去Paradise Fall的机票,Ellie生病了,离开了。


Ellie离开之后,Fredrickson守护着他们的小屋,直到有一天有人要把它赶走。就在那一天,他用了成千上百只气球上屋子飞了起来,他要飞去Paradise Fall。之后便开始了他神奇的旅程。这故事之后还有很多让我感触或感动的地方。我会说这是我看过的最好看的电影之一。我想我会一直记得这部电影,也会记得我宝宝的问题,妈妈,你也会变老吗?


一起听新闻、学英语-CBC News-Gandma Scam

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You got a time now for a go public segment reporter Kathy Tomlinson in Vancouver this week. Kathy has a story of an 86 years old woman, who’s the victim of the common fraud and now she’s asking why her bank didn’t protect her. What’s story here, Kathy?

Well, Madre Rican is 86 years old, she has 5 grandsons and she was the victim of what RCMP are now saying is one of the top 3 scams in Canada, the grandma scam. It’s started when she got a phone call from a young man saying: “Hi, grandma, it’s your favorite grandson.” She got flustered because she was trying to guess which one it was. She said a name, that give the scam artist in. He told her he was in trouble. He needed her to send money right way . He was in jail because some motor vehicle problem, he need money for a fine and money for his lawyer. She said she don’t have any money. He said: “Grandma, check your Visa Card, see what kind of limit you have it on there for me.” She checked her Visa Card and much to her Shark. She had 22,000 dollars in credit available. So on the scam artist’s instruction, she went off to her bank, walked into Royal Bank. Two days in a role, and made two 5000 cash withdraws on her visa card. She says there was no questions were asked and she wired the money to this person in Toronto who was getting in under a fake name. Now she’s upset with the bank because she went to the bank and said I was a victim of the scam, please help me. The Vancouver police also went back for her to the bank. But the bank said: No, I’m sorry, you gotta have to pay the debt.

So what’re they saying now, I mean Royal bank.

As the result of our inquire, now Madre’s been asked this through week trying to get an answer, and didn’t get anything. But does result of our inquires, Royal Bank says, first of all, it is send a not e out to all the staff across Canada saying look out for this grandparents scam, look out for elder customers who may needs some assistance. And also it’s decided to reach out Madre to forgive the interest on the Visa debt and perhaps negotiate her something to deal with the outstanding debt. So RBC is taking action on this.