
一起看新闻、学英语-CBC NEWS-Transport Trouble

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Wasn’t easy getting tickets to 2010 games in the first place. But tonight one man says now that he has them, he can’t get to the venue with a whole lot of hassle. Teresa Tang Explains.

After scoring tickets to 5 events including one on the Cypress Mountain, Chris Sutcliffe was looking forward to watching the Olympic in person but he still needs buts tickets to gets the venues. Only sold through the Olympic bus net work. Organizers are urging ticket holders to book now, saying it’ll way cheaper. But as hard as cliff try, he can’t seems to get a place on the bus. The problem is , they only pick up at certain locations, the one closes him seems to be sold out.

“The last options to go to the SFU or Capilano College which means going half an hour out of town in offside direction before coming back.” He says he tired to get but ticket online as soon as they were available, but couldn’t log on, then tied again. “Monday was find out , was to actually get hold of the person. I wish point tickets are all sold out.”

We spoken to VanOic, we’re told that our spaces are open from Lonsdale quay and they wouldn’t sure why cliff wasn’t getting through. So we also trying to get tickets and couldn’t get a seat from Lonsdale either. Meanwhile, Chris said all these hassle has a re-thinking whether he will go to the event at all. “So it comes along with does it worth it? So actually I’m thinking of selling my tickets.”

VanOix says they want to resolve this, they say they’re looking into it and contact Sutcliffe. But so far haven’t tonight.














一起看新闻、学英语-CBC NEWs- Rogers Charge Free Texts

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Rogers Charges for “Free” Texts

What kind of contract locks you in with gives the other party the freedom to increase the price at anytime. Well that appears to be the case of cell phone contracts with Rogers. Here’s Cathy Tomlinson with our go public exclusive.

She has three teenagers, so when Rosanna Von Sacken got them cell phones, she likes Rogers written promise; all text message received are free.

Teenager girls try to control their incoming texts.

“Good luck. Once their cell phone number is given out to their friends. They absolutely no control as who’s gonna send them text messages.”

Ten months into this three year contract. Rogers start to charging her for them anyway, 15 cents each.

“That’s not what I signed up for.”

True, Rogers said when she complained. But text she said she was told are now added cost feature, even though her kids already had them for free.

“It certainly brought back memories of negative billing, where the customers don’t have a choice. If I terminate early I have to pay twenty dollars a month per phone for the rest of the term.”

Rogers refused our request for an interview, but told us its terms of service documents which comes with each phone says fees can be changed.

“Unfortunately, Canadian courts so far said Yes, that is binding.” This consumer advocator says Rogers is not a binding by an industry’s code of conduct though, which says customers can get out of contracts that change. “You can either keep you old term or you can go back or you can cancel the contract with no penalty.” Charging for texts he says is an unfair cash grab anyway which Canada’s big carrier may no longer get a way with as new competition arrives.

“This contract is unbelieving.”

On that code of conduct which says customer can cancel without penalty. A spoken person told us, Rogers doesn’t charge penalty, it charges cancellation fee which Rosanna Von Sacken still have to pay.


一起看新闻、学英语-CBC NEWs- Top Scams of 2009

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Top scams of 2009

With the convenience of the shopping from the comfort of your home computer comes the risk being scammed. And today warning about how easy that can happen. Alan Waterman reports.

Belly hultman fell victim to one of the most common scams of 2009. When dozens of 5$ charges began to appear for each texted message, the 15 years old enter sister received, the family figured the phone number had been compromised when belly and her older sister infirmly given about the information on an internet site. The girls’ father finally had to change the phone numbers and thread the company that sent the bills.

“I stopped to paying my bill, to switch the companies to let them to take me to the court and try make me pay. Now coz I wasn’t going to pay.”

But top numbers of complains in 2009 were for merchandize. Especially related to healthcare. From so called free trial for tooth whitening to a BC based Acne cream company to scam over H1N1.

“When the swine flu was first announced by the world’s health organization. There was something like three hundred websites that opened up within a few hours.”

The Competition Bureau of Canada says you should watch out for the fine print, the terms and conditions. And also be very ware of the so easily pushed the buttons “continue” and “I accept”.

“And every click counts. So make sure that you understand the kinds of terms and conditions that are associated in those fine print disclosures.”

Advice to keep the scams muddles at the bay into prevent new scams.


一起看新闻、学英语-CBC NEWs- Olympic Forecast

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New Words: Nifty

Olympic Forecast

Environment Canada faces a doughty task at the Vancouver games, making sure it’s Olympic weather forecast win gold for accuracy. CBC’s Christ Brown got a sneak peak some performance and enhancing equipment.

For Olympic weather forecast what would be more perfect than having on of these. “It’s a real crystal ball.” “It is, it’s a real crystal ball.” If only were that easy. This crystal ball only measure sunlight, they wouldn’t tell you if rain or snow or wind is on the way. So environment Canada has to sample some other niftiest weather prediction tools ever for the 2010 Olympics.

“There are  _  on the planet scale, they  _ are tiny and there are all kinds of weather can coming and scale of minutes.”

Some thirty weather stations have been set up around the Elpane Valley, they are filled with instrument accurate enough to predict the weather in the area the sides and city block and updated every 15 minutes. That annoying sound comes from a wind profiler. It’s essential a giant speaker that should sound waves two thousand meters in to the air which are then tracked by the radar. “And from that we can calculate the speed of the wind by the way and its move.” That give Chris Doyle and his team a 30 minutes a head’s up on what weather here in squmash is on the way to whistler. The gages so are no substitute for people.

“This feels like the Olympic weather forecasting, this is the bias alongside.” Andrew Teakles won himself prestigious place in the forecasting team. He’ll be at the ski-jump. “I find it kind of thrill to there and build and provide that information.”

But the forecasters and the athletes all know a scope up could cost someone a medal.

“You can’t control it, but I mean guys lose the races all the time based on the weather.”

And so no expense’s been spent still, for a forecaster you think this will be hard to resist. “Have you ever come over and wave your hands over and look for some deviance operation.” “Often.”

Come Olympic time and there are only every a bit of advice they can get.


一起看新闻、学英语-CBC News-Vancouver's Green

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Vancouver’s Green

When it comes to stories about global warming, you probably use to hearing bleed predictions, but there is some good news and comes from Vancouver. Our environment report Lisa Johnson has the story.

You might not know it, stuck at rush hour traffic. But this city is achieving something the mayor says only handful of the world to pulled off. “I’m very proud of being Copenhagen and representing a city here in Vancouver that has walked its talk when comes to fighting climate change.” One reason Canada’s getting so criticized in Copenhagen is that the country’s green house gas emission just keep rising, but here in Vancouver even though emission rose for a decade after 1990, they’re now falling. So now staff think Vancouver is on track to be 6% lower than 1990 level’s in two years, which it the Kyoto target.

So how is Vancouver doing it? Your garbage’s playing a role. Running trash was at least pulling off green house gas. That messy now is cached use for energy. It’s also been a shifted how we are get around. The mayor mentioned walking the top. Well committing by foot’s gone up by 44%, since the early 90’s. Bike riding and transit use are up and 10% fewer cars are on the road. The result of decades of decision to built the depth walkable city, but still growing. “We’ve managed to accumulate throw just step fast pursuiting not the fruit on the ground, some low hanging fruit maybe fruit we have to get step ladders to reach.” And the city is still reaching. Just sign on with the local company Paul’s Energy to monitor natural gas and electricity usage, municipal building and look for efficiencies. Consular’s talking about the subcity for pulse partner that work of charging station for electric cars. All of the improvements could give a future mayor some more green and bright rights.



很长时间没有出去玩了,决定一家去LA的Disneyland转转。兴高采烈得订了酒店和机票,可没过几天就郁闷了。本来查到11月Vancouver 到LA来回的机票最便宜也要500刀,现在订了一月底每人350刀的觉得已经很便宜了。可没想到,接下来每查一次Westjet的票价就要再便宜一点。打电话去问有没有可能调低价格,答案是每人要交50刀。真是够郁闷的,莫名其妙吃了个大亏。更郁闷的是号称一直票价比Westjet贵的加航,也出来比我们买的便宜的机票。算了,算了,就当不知道吧。

天哪,我们买的差不多是120刀,比我们买的差不多要便宜一半。这样算来,就是交了改票的费用,我们还能要回来200刀。“要不我们换票!”于是赶紧打开电脑,一查,我们原来订的时间,特价票已经卖完,“要不改时间。”那可是200刀啊!我们选到了往后的一个星期,屏幕上显示“回程机票还有5张”,我们赶紧打电话给酒店,确认酒店的时间能否更改。酒店的电话打通了,确认不要增加任何费用,好!我们要改!“等我这边酒店的系统里操作一完成,你就按更改机票的确认键!”在给酒店打电话的老公跟我说。酒店的系统很慢,我们等得都快不耐烦了。“Thank you!”酒店终于搞定,我按下了更改确认键。可是,那票子已经Sold Out! Oh! No! 明明刚刚还有的。我们还不死心,再找,这是可供选择的特价机票时间已经更少了,我们终于找到了再后两个星期的时间,Oh, my god!回程只有三张机票了,“订吧,先把机票订了!”于是我开始进行操作,老公又开始打电话给酒店,这次,在得到酒店口头确认时间可以修改后,我马上按键订票!Done,我们,终于订到了,订到了这一天的最后三张票。这是已经快晚上7点了,我们还没有吃晚饭。



一起看新闻、学英语-CBC NEWS-BC's drinking problem

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New Words: Booze, epidemic, chronic illness, trauma

B.C. Drinking Problem

Well tonight the research at University of British Columbia, at University of Victoria say British Columbia’s drink too much booze. They want the province to raise the price of hard liquor and they have new research to back up their recommendation. Justine Ma’s on the story tonight.

“Justine, does BC have a drinking problem?”

“Well, Natalie, the short answer is yes.” Our per kept alcohol consumption is rising faster then anywhere else. We’ve now second only to Nunavut.

“Alcohol is actually been increasing faster than the rest of the Canada during BC. It’s going up approximately 16% in the past decade.”

Tonight people seems to be nursing their drinks. Many out on the Thursday night consider themselves white drinkers.

“Have beverage with dinner occasionally and social situations.”

But research is crunch data from liquor stores, hospitals say we’ve now consuming much more than one drink a day. The average British Columbia used to drink 475drinks per year, but now that’s shut up to 525 drinks a year. Research’s bring the increase and growing number of liquor stores and cheap price of booze. They will be releasing recommendations tomorrow about how BC liquor stores can help the drinking problem.

“The government alcohol monopoly can use their powers to go to fight. The curb the silence of epidemic that’s growing of the increasing of alcohol related trauma and death and chronic illness.”

It’s epidemic that’s let a 17% of increase in the number of the people being hospitalize because of their drinking. It’s not that surprising to saw. “There’s more bars, there’s more wine stores, there’s more everything.” Doctor Stockwell wants the government to list the alcohol leverl right on the label. The higher the level, the higher the price.

“Some kinds of alcohol drink more dangrous than others. And so we think the price should encourage people to make healthier choices. At the moment, unforturnately the price’s encourage people to make unhealthier choices.”

“So Justine they’re recommending higher booze price, but will the provicial government listen?”

“Well, as just say the government better do something. Twice of people died from alcohol abuse than they do from all legal drugs combined and heavier drinkers are more susceptible to disease and that’s healthcare cost them, the provincial government will have to pay for it.



拍卖会上通常都会有便宜东西,温哥华有各种各样的拍卖会,还有一年一次City拍卖欠税居民房子的拍卖会。理论上说你有可能用两到三年的property tax的价钱(几千到几万)买到价值几十万甚至几百万的房子。很有意思吧,于是今年我们也去凑了热闹。

拍卖就在City Hall里举行,我们早到了一会儿,队伍已经排到了电梯口。在温哥华可是不太容易见到这么多人在这么个狭小的空间里的,大家都耐心等待。还有妈咪推着婴儿车来的。时间到了,大家按着秩序走进会议室找好地方坐下,那个小婴儿也进了会议室。会议室就象电视里的小法庭,分上下两层,都坐的满满的。City的Collector和他的助手坐在会议室的前方,他们背后是英女皇和另外一位老先生的像,还有加拿大、B.C省和温哥华市的旗帜。拍卖是轻松愉快的,Collector报出拍卖标地的号码,大家就纷纷报价,没有牌子,就直接用嘴喊,期间还有人开玩笑,还有小婴儿的啼哭声,但一切井然有序、又其乐融融。

拍卖是从Upside Price起拍的,是City设定的买家在成交后24小时内必须支付的价格,大概是一年的property tax的费用。然后每次至少加价1千。坐在我们前面的一对couple很有趣每次都很自信得叫“Upside”,然后就再也不加价了,看来跟我们一样,是来玩的。


“23thousand”, “24”,”25”,……,”40”,

“40 once, 40 twice, 40 pang”

不过女士们也有疯狂的时候,我们右边有一对Couple,看来是有备而来,他们选了几套要拍的房子。之前有一套,因为那男的没有再加价,差了1千被别人拍走了,眼看只剩下最后一套他们中意的,他们志在必得,起先是那男的喊价,女的在一旁让他加,加,再加;然后那女的开始自己直接喊,不断不断得加价,眼看都快超过市价了,吓得那男的在一旁不断得说,“Ok. That’s it. We are done!”


American Accent-Casual Speech

you                               ya
because                        cuz
do you want to             wanna
have got to                   gotta
shouldn't have/wouldn't have/couldn't have  
going to                       gonna
what do you                 wadda you
a lot of                         a lotta
kind of                         kinda
out of                           adda         

一起看新闻、学英语-CBC NEWs-Aboriginal Pavilion

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New Words: Aboriginal, Pavilion, Prominence, Reverence

Aboriginal Pavilion

We got our first looking inside Olympic aboriginal pavilion that’s across the streets from our studio here at Georgia and Hamilton. Organizers are hoping it would showcase of first nation’s art and culture to the country and to the world.

“This is the aboriginal pavilion, almost but not quiet done. The final touch will be a 60 foot don. Another eye catching reminder the world first nations of these games. You can see it everywhere, in the design of the medals, the look show logo, governments paid aboriginals goods more than a hundred millions dollars for games related projects. And first nations been given prominence even reverence at every public event including today.

“Great recognition for us been here on co-celesh first nations territory, traditional territory. We were lucky to be here today.”

Some critics wonder this is nearly a strategy by Olympic organizers to pre anti-protest. But TEWANEE JOSEPH, who is working on these games says it’s more than that. Aboriginal people been treat with respect he said as equals.

“We gonna point over hundred initiatives related to these games that first nations in you and me team involves from torch relay to contracting business opportunities to you finishtives. We gonna point all of them and say, here is how these games made difference. We’re ready to show that with the world.”

And we a likely to get a lot of visitors and pavilion is one of the middle of the Olympic hospitality room and just short walk away from tow of the biggest venues GM and BC Place.



星期五下午,阳光明媚,带Dave去了新开的图书馆。Dave很高兴,进了门就大声说,“图书馆,图书馆”。“嘘,people all reading here, we need speak in a lower voice.”“噢,”Dave点点头。他很乖,跟我一起在电脑上找他喜欢的有关Dinosaur的书的编号,一起到书架上找到书。他很高兴,但是也一直保持着很低的声音同我说话。直到走到图书馆门外,他还用很低的声音说“I can do it, I can take these books.”我看看他,笑了:“好了,现在你不用小声说话了,我们出图书馆了。”

回到家Dave就要我给他念那本:Dinosaur Train.故事很简单:Thursday was a day much like any other for Jesse. Trains and dinosaurs. Dinosaurs and trains.Just before bed, Jesse drew one last picture. Suddenly there was a loud noise and the whole house began to shake.”All aboard!” someone shouted. “Please have your tickets ready!” “Thank you,” and the conductor “Dining car to the rear.” “Let me show you the view from the sky windows.””Tunnel ahead!”Jesse yelled.”Duck!” When they came out of the tunnel, Jesse said, “Look!That’s amazing.” Everyone leaned over to see. UH-OH!Jesse took charge. “Come on, you can do it!””Push it back on the track!””Thanks, son. You can ride up here with me.””Next stop-Jesse’s Room”.我念了一遍,Dave还要再一遍, 再一遍,在一遍;在念了四五遍之后我不耐烦了,“最后一遍啰!”“再两遍”Dave坚持,“好吧,说话算数哦!”

星期六一早,Dave一起床就找这本书,“妈妈,给我念Dinosaur Train” 于是我就又给他念了两遍。然后,Dave就自己开始念了,(前面的几句他说不会),从Jesse drew one last picture开始,他除了一两个小地方需要帮一下之外,差不多能一字不差得能念下来。当他手指着图书,大声念到“Push it back on the track!”, 我经不住说,“Baby, you are so great!” Dave才过的三岁生日,到加拿大也只有一年时间。他给了我太多的惊喜,他真是我们最好、最好的礼物。

朗读笔记-Reading more like an American

                                “r”          ^                                             ^          
Vancouver police say their arrest rate in homicide cases is going up.
            ^                                  “i”                                  “n”
But look at the number shows many Vancouver murders remain unsolved.
Vancouver has seen 18 homicides for each of past three years and 16 in 2006,
             “ni”                                  Ә
roughly only a third of those have been solved. Besides of the crime scene,

witness cooperation and quality of evidence can all affect how long it
takes investigators to do their jobs and police say sometime they just aren’t
                               '                                      “i”
enough resources to process the evidence quickly.

一起看新闻、学英语-CBC NEWs- Cold Cases

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New Words: arson, manslaughter

Cold Cases

Ten years have gone by, but the Vancouver Police department kept working on the murder file and now charges have been laid in that cold case and two others, but many more remain unsolved. Tanya Beja has the details.

Police picked up the pieces after the blowout inside this east Vancouver restaurant sprayed on to the street outside. On June 15, 2008, 25 year-old Ben nim hing was fatally shot. Police believe the murder is gang related. For nearly a year and a half they interviewed witness, finally today a bring-through.

“Homicide investigators arrested Ding Kuang Fan, a Vancouver and charge him with second degree murder.”

It was on of the three arrests on the cold cases. That police announced today. This east Vancouver house burn down more than a decade ago, the tow man inside killed. The police have now charged the 50 year-old Russell Wing Meders with arson and manslaughter and this downtown east side hotel, a violent argument left regional hints dead 5 years ago. The alleged killer now in custody.

“We hopeful that today these announcements so bring some small amount of comfort, and some small amount of closure to those who suffered.”

Vancouver police say their arrest rate in homicide cases is going up. But look at the number shows many Vancouver murders remain unsolved.

Vancouver has seen 18 homicides for each of past three years and 16 in 2006, roughly only a third of those have been solved.

Besides of the crime scene, witness cooperation and quality of evidence can all affect how long it takes investigators to do their jobs and police say sometime they just aren’t enough resources to process the evidence quickly.

“DNA become critical and in many of the investigations, not just murders but also in simple things even like breaking enter, DNA’s been submitted and been taking from the vendors, some of the now legislation, and basically the labs are working over time, they are bought down a lot of time.

Despite the delays, Vancouver police say they prepared to announce several more arrests in the days ahead.


一起看新闻、学英语-CBC NEWs- City Hall Protest

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City Hall Protest

We’ve began with protest public theory in City Hall tonight. Vancouver city counselor is making some unpopular cuts to deal with the 61 million dollars shortfall. Let go live to City Hall. Alan waterman, what’s happening now?

Natalie, inside city hall, they’ve just jam from a long list of speakers. More than 4 hours after tonight protest over budget cut first began. They started outside city hall, join driver’s attention to the closing of Stanley Park farm yard and Bloedel Conservatory. Jone Coupar’s father was the first director of conservatory when it opened in 1969, as far as the park board’s decision to close it.” They are really looking at a wrong head of way and I know there was tremendous support for it and I certainly supported, I’ll do everything I can to turn this around.”

The protestor and the signs were carried inside counsel chain ball along with symbolic 5 dollars donations to keep threaded facility to open.

“We are here tonight to hear from speakers regarding the 2010 operating budget.”

Counselor called the meeting to hear the public concerns about the city programmers related to be cut and counselor hear a lot.

“How can you say no to not letting stay open just on more year to approve we can do some to improve revenue and reducing cost and staff hours and give these animals a safe home”

Many speakers hope the counsel will turn the park board decision to shut down the farm yard and conservatory as well as the other facilities in programmes. The park board vote at the time was close four to three. Tonight park board commissioners on the loosing side of that vote try to restate their case to the counsel.

“We’re here tonight, many people ask you to save this or that particular service or menidity. I’m asking you to save them all.”

The mayor openly wondered whether the park board decision was hasty, whether there were other financial options.

“Private individuals, organizations, foundations. There are some new modems are possible here and the last few weeks since you deliveried this park board.”

A local      is offering a hundred thousand dollars to help to save the farm yard, another group is funding raise for the conservatory. And the meantime the clock is ticking, the counsel must vote on the cuts by Dec 18th.


一起看新闻、学英语-CBC NEWs- Rental Ripoff (一条很有用的新闻)

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New Words: Ripoff, low ball, fleece
Rental Ripoff

Have you run on to this problem, a rental car company advertising which seems like a low price and then after you actually do the rental, jacking up that price with hundreds of dollars and extra fees. Our go public reporter, Cathy Tomlinson talk to a Vancouver man who is fighting his enfleeced bill.

“It looks like the best deal on line.”

“Even cheaper now.”

Dave Carman booked in Vancouver at the price advantage rent a car quoted.

“$470.77, your grand total.”

When he picked up the car in Toronto, he says the agent at the counter confirmed that rate.

“Two weeks later, I drop the car off. The fellow prints out the receipt, folds it very compactly on my dad. The actually final total, once receiving the bill is $785.97.”

Three hundred dollars extra advantage billed him. Over charged him a full day’s rate, slaped on his wife was the driver and for declining insurance.

“Why even would be charged declining insurance is beyond me.”

CBC found no other renal car agency charges for that.

“This can’t happen. They can’t fleece me for this much money.” He said, he was told too bad, you agreed.

The company president didn’t want to be interviewed, but sent paper work signed by Carmen and at the pickup counter which do show extras. Fees that wouldn’t included anywhere on line.

“They were known fees. Why was it not on the website. So I can get accurate picture what I would be paying.”

More than a dozen similar complains have been filed with the better business bureau most advantage hasn’t respond to. Complains on travel website include $327 dollars for a four day rental. It was supposed to be $159, the rental agent doubled the advertised, guaranteed rate.

“We think it’s getting worse. The consumer advocate said it’s easy for car rental agency to low ball rates on line.

“It’s not something that market gonna sort out by itself. It’s something that I think that needs to have a government advantage to protect the entire marketplace.”

Since Carmen mad a fuzz, advantage had put its extra fees on the website. And he’s been promised by partial refund.

How frustrate will that be. Cathy Tomlinson joined us live now.

“Cathy, what should people be careful of when they booking rental cars online?”

“Well, first of all. Read all of the company’s policy on line. And realize when you clicked the book you are agreeing the terms and conditions. Then print that booking and take it with you and compare it to the paper rental agreement you get when you pick up you car. Of course you should keep all of that paper working, in case something going wrong down the road. If you do feel you been mislead, call and contact competition Bureau, that federal agency does have power to go after companies for misleading advertising.

“When you rental a car, just take you lawyer and accountant with you.”

Email Cathy at Gopublic@cbc.ca


一起看新闻、学英语-CBC NEWs-2 Crash Victims

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2 Crash Victims

Now many of those people searching for survivors, we looking for their friends. Two of the victims were from California, but they spent a lot of time on Saturna Island, the others came around metro Vancouver. Susana Da Silva joins us with more on that. Susana.

Well geloria, was even markable group of people that found themselves to get on board that air failed plane. Doctor Kerry Morcey was on board of the plane with her six month old daughter Sara. Her husband was at home with their other two years old daughter when the plan crashed. Fourty-one years old Kerry Morcey was a doctor providing maternity care at two Vancouver clinics, working with refugees and new immigrants. She also done volunteer work in south and central America for several months. Also on board of the plane another women who supported woman and environmental causes, Cindy Kefy was a photography, living in California with her 49 years old husband Bruce Huskey, also on the plane. The couple of co-owners of a pub on Saturna island and visited 5 or 6 times a year. The pair in the process to moving to Saturna island full time.

“I think they both definitely shared passion for travel, they both shared passion for the outdoors, for physical activity, they were either mountain bikers, runners. Cindy surfed, they sailed. They were just incredibly interested in meeting new people, experiencing new things.”

Now Susana, what do we know about other tow victims?

Oh, one of the victims was 55 years old Catherine whitehome, she was the counselor of three bridge community center in Vancouver. She was also a well known advocator and author about the transgender issues. And we also know the other, the six victim was the six year old Thomas groden glack and he was from white Rock.