
一起看新闻、学英语-CBC NEWS-BC's drinking problem

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New Words: Booze, epidemic, chronic illness, trauma

B.C. Drinking Problem

Well tonight the research at University of British Columbia, at University of Victoria say British Columbia’s drink too much booze. They want the province to raise the price of hard liquor and they have new research to back up their recommendation. Justine Ma’s on the story tonight.

“Justine, does BC have a drinking problem?”

“Well, Natalie, the short answer is yes.” Our per kept alcohol consumption is rising faster then anywhere else. We’ve now second only to Nunavut.

“Alcohol is actually been increasing faster than the rest of the Canada during BC. It’s going up approximately 16% in the past decade.”

Tonight people seems to be nursing their drinks. Many out on the Thursday night consider themselves white drinkers.

“Have beverage with dinner occasionally and social situations.”

But research is crunch data from liquor stores, hospitals say we’ve now consuming much more than one drink a day. The average British Columbia used to drink 475drinks per year, but now that’s shut up to 525 drinks a year. Research’s bring the increase and growing number of liquor stores and cheap price of booze. They will be releasing recommendations tomorrow about how BC liquor stores can help the drinking problem.

“The government alcohol monopoly can use their powers to go to fight. The curb the silence of epidemic that’s growing of the increasing of alcohol related trauma and death and chronic illness.”

It’s epidemic that’s let a 17% of increase in the number of the people being hospitalize because of their drinking. It’s not that surprising to saw. “There’s more bars, there’s more wine stores, there’s more everything.” Doctor Stockwell wants the government to list the alcohol leverl right on the label. The higher the level, the higher the price.

“Some kinds of alcohol drink more dangrous than others. And so we think the price should encourage people to make healthier choices. At the moment, unforturnately the price’s encourage people to make unhealthier choices.”

“So Justine they’re recommending higher booze price, but will the provicial government listen?”

“Well, as just say the government better do something. Twice of people died from alcohol abuse than they do from all legal drugs combined and heavier drinkers are more susceptible to disease and that’s healthcare cost them, the provincial government will have to pay for it.
