
一起看新闻、学英语-CBC NEWs- Top Scams of 2009

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Top scams of 2009

With the convenience of the shopping from the comfort of your home computer comes the risk being scammed. And today warning about how easy that can happen. Alan Waterman reports.

Belly hultman fell victim to one of the most common scams of 2009. When dozens of 5$ charges began to appear for each texted message, the 15 years old enter sister received, the family figured the phone number had been compromised when belly and her older sister infirmly given about the information on an internet site. The girls’ father finally had to change the phone numbers and thread the company that sent the bills.

“I stopped to paying my bill, to switch the companies to let them to take me to the court and try make me pay. Now coz I wasn’t going to pay.”

But top numbers of complains in 2009 were for merchandize. Especially related to healthcare. From so called free trial for tooth whitening to a BC based Acne cream company to scam over H1N1.

“When the swine flu was first announced by the world’s health organization. There was something like three hundred websites that opened up within a few hours.”

The Competition Bureau of Canada says you should watch out for the fine print, the terms and conditions. And also be very ware of the so easily pushed the buttons “continue” and “I accept”.

“And every click counts. So make sure that you understand the kinds of terms and conditions that are associated in those fine print disclosures.”

Advice to keep the scams muddles at the bay into prevent new scams.
