
一起听新闻、学英语-CBC NEWS-Canada Post Strike

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In the past, in many industries, workers in Canada could count on defined benefit pensions. In recent year, the shifting economy and fudging stock markets encourage many private employers to drop those plans. A change that by large hasn’t hit the federal government sector. Marion Pottalac, after 37 years at Canada post says she enjoys the security that comes with the defined benefit pensions. “It’s knowing that every month I have money coming to my bank account.”

Now with Canada post, our federal found corporation seeking to eliminate defined benefit pensions for new hirers. Some believe it’s the time to exam all federal pensions. “So if we look at that example, what you gonna potentially see is in all these defined benefit pensions, Canada post probably the most the example you think of the pensions the highest risk being on the tax payers. These defined benefit pension plans are very large that tax payers have to cover.” Labour is watching closely but so far expressing little concern that what is going on the Canada Post is the beginning of a large scale battle. “No other concord operations comes to the bargain table seeking to get rid of defined benefit plan. So this is very troubling in regarding to their strategy. So I’m at the lost to understand their strategy.”
“We are probably not going to see much for pushing defined contribution in the public sector.” This professor thinks Canada post is unique in a tough spot in trying to reduce pension obligations because email is taking over. “If you look Canada post, you think where is going to be in ten years? Probably is going to have fewer employees.” Still some worry Canada post show down quick starts something you believe that putting workers later. “I want to tell these young workers that the pension worth fighting for.” How much the fighting will be over pensions Canada post, how serious management there there is about getting rid of defined benefit pensions that still will be decided.
