
一起听新闻、学英语-CBC News- Game Exit

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I believe that’s the last day you’re going to see that’s the thing, the mass exit’s began, as tens of thousands of athletes and spectators bid the game and Vancouver goodbye. The CBC’s Justin Ma’s just outside of the Vancouver airport. She joins me live. “Justine, how are things going there?”

“Carol, the things are surprisingly calm out here. It’s the same scene inside the terminal. But don’t let the scenes discerns you because airport official say this is expected to be their busiest day ever. Up to 39,000 passengers are expected to fly out of here today. Now the big push was early this morning. There were a lot of domestic flights leaving at that time. A line up sort of fairly long. But most people seem to be checked in within the hour. Activity in the domestic terminal seems have ease right now. But things are picking up over the international terminal. I’ve spoken to a lot of passengers and everybody remark about how calm and efficient things seems to be running over here.”

“So what co operations were made to help these travelers home and make it as calm as you say it is?”

“Well. Airport officials has planned this for years. They expected this day to be the busiest day for years. And they planned accordingly. They actually have thousands of extra staff working whether that would be volunteers, airline staff, just helping process people more quickly. They’ve also opened up full checking facilities at the athletes village, so lots of people probably are going through there. They also opened the observer terminal just at the back of the airport, so that’s probably why we’re not seeing them massive crash here at this terminal, because it divided between those three locations.”

All right. Justine Ma at Vancouver.
