
一起听新闻、学英语-CBC NEWS-Facebook Quitters

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New Words: Bollix

It is one of the most popular social net working sites out there, but Canadians have become frustrated with the lack of privacy on face book and today thousands threaten to unfriendly site all together. But as Theresa Lalonde reports that champion seems to have fallen fact.

“They gotta be a lot pickier on tools they choose, features they enable on those tools. They’re also going to be pickier about who they say yes to, when they get friend requests. People stop collect friends and realize that face book will free for user is making money by mining personal information and selling it to advertisers. Privacy settings became an issue. Then came a Campion to abstain. 30,000 people say they deactivated their account today.

“It just bollix.” and Adarsh Pallian run the digital media marketing company.

“It’s the connecting point for my life, you know my friends, my photos, music, video, everything. Disconnecting from face book almost like disconnecting my entire social.”

Pallian keeps in touch with friends and family at least on face book. His mother follow him through the site. In fact the biggest grows on face book is women over the age of 55. There are 400M active users today. Pallian believes the quitters are small minority of people who don’t want to interactive much online to begin with.

“My cell phone is posted online. People can text me or call me anytime they want. And I encourage that, I think we living in a very open public world.”

Even if you quit face book, face book isn’t quitting you. Whatever information you put in their already, they get to keep.

1 条评论:

匿名 说...

Useful information, thanks.