
一起听新闻、学英语-CBC NEWS-Rage against BP

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People turn to social media when they’re happy or when they’re angry. A public rage at BP over the oil slick at the golf Mexico is being expressed online. Theresa Linlond has that story.

Those frustrated after seeing blacken birds and devastated beaches are sharing videos and pictures and collectively eventing. There is a boycott BP facebook page and even a bogus BP twitter account full of sytherical updates. The good news mermaids are real, the bad news is now they are extinct. Green Peace has an online champion asking people to design a new BP flower logo.

“Trying to get people to design a logo for us, which reviews the truth about the company, with them gets pressure on BP, make the changes, positive changes.”

They have 600 entries, the winner’s logo will be used to Green Peace champion to push BP to develop green energy.

“So you have some look very, very slick. They play very cleverily on BP’s logo and they changed the color slides to slick oil, radical expression to use animal, to using death heads, all sort of very strange sort of looking ghostly creatures.”

At least one of the environmental marketers thinks it’s a miss fire.

“I think, they’re crap. BP logo into whole bunch of scows, ha ha. You know that’s so clever. That don’t make any difference to anybody. And it might feel like they’re getting involved, but they’re not getting involved.”

Mark would rather to see wind energy or electric car company use this disaster as an opportunity to have people convert to that form of energy, move away from oil. So far BP isn’t fight back, they haven’t attempt to shun down the false twitter account, saying people have the right to voice frustration.
