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Thinking of join a gym or getting a theater subscription, starting tomorrow, it may cost you 8% more in Ontario and 7% more in British Columbia. It’s the harmonize sales tax, by July 1st when the tax is completely faced in. It’ll apply to everything, from hair cuts to gasoline. And as Chris Brown explains in BC at least there’re signs of hold.

In BC, a lot of people will like to berry the new harmonize sales tax. The province’ funeral director’s among them. It’s a tax on death they say. I don’t want have to sit in front of the family that’s just lost their father and tell them they have to pay additional 7% over above what they already have to pay. The funeral directors have donated $10,000 to a growing grasses campaign to try to get the HST repealed.

So far more than 145,000 people have signed partitions against the tax.

“This is just getting random and throw.”

“And I think it’s really gonna hurt like small businesses and lower income families.”

The legislation itself passed last night after the BC liberal use their majority to shut down debate, but no one expect the fight will end there.

“We have a quiet revolution happening in this province.”

With his trade mark event, Bill Vanderzalm has come out of politic retirement to roily the anti tax forces against premier Golden Hamper’s government.

“They lied in election. During the election only a week before, they announced, they said no HST, we don’t want HST. And then suddenly after the election, we have HST. So they handle it so badly.”

People in Ontario will start paying HST on July 1ST too, and there was small protest there today. But nothing like the serious counter attack there’s been in BC. Big business is all for the HST, but its voice been hard to hear.

“It’s been showing elsewhere in the world that leads to one investment harm tax activity and that’s what we need in BC.”

Well, tax opponents here have been spurred on by legislation it’s said that if they get 10% of the voters and every writing in the province to sign that potion, then there’s a chance they can get the HST bill repealed. It is a long shot, but it has keep people fighting.

“Chris, we just hear from business they’re saying, it’s good for business. What’re we talking about? Why is good for business?”

Well, they say it’s good for investment essentially, if a company say buys a car or computer for their business, right now, they can claim back the GST, on that portion of the sales tax, but can’t claim back the provincial portion of the sales tax. So now the HST, they’ll be able to get the whole portion back, the idea is those saving will trickle down on through the system and ultimately go to the consumer. And effect several study of looked atlantics Canada which has the HST, they concluded that effect that’s what’s been happening.

“Troubles on consumers are that some services they’re now paying a tax where they didn’t before, right?”

Yes, that’s exactly it. You’ll see it on haircuts, restaurant for example. Those prices are going to go up right way. There is going to be definitely some sticker shock. And the concern is what the people will hold back that may off set some of the gains, that the business communities hoping to see.
